
The Status Quo

The process of choosing a university course is often one part perceptions-based, one part results-based, and two parts feeling-in-the-dark. After all, how would you know what the career and daily life of an auditor or biotechnologist or computer engineer or doctor or economist … (well you get the drift!), actually entail? Sure, you could find an internship – but you’d know only about one specific company in one specific industry…

A few years down the road, it’s little wonder why we end up with disillusioned graduates wishing they chose another course of study at the outset – anything except the one that they were graduating from >.<

What Collaborat[ing] Does

Are you currently in Pre-U and en-route to university without a clue as to what course to choose? Perhaps, you might (already) be dead-set on a certain profession, but don’t actually know what that career heralds?

We hope to help you sidestep the pain of unsuitable course choices, erroneous perceptions, and possibly a lifetime of regret! Collaborate empowers you with opportunities to interact with professionals from a diverse range of industries. Not so much so with really important and old people who’ve been-there-done-that; but people in the early or formative stage of their careers who can offer insider perspectives, check expectations, and point you in the right direction!

At the very least, you’ll come out of Collaborate having a better idea on what to do (or what not to do!) with your life!

Collaborate is a social empowerment programme seeking to connect Pre-U youths en-route to university with people in industry of various professions, and empowers students to decide which university course to take.

Four Iterations and Counting

In April 2016, we piloted our first Collaborat[ive] human library where students had a chance to speak with people from a plethora of industries. This two-hour event featured students allocated to three industry ‘focus groups’ of your choice which’ll run for 30 minutes each. Each focus group is deliberately limited to ten participants to nurture insightful conversations in a conducive environment.

This is a Ground-Up Initiative (GUI) with no affiliations to any government body, and we’ve no intentions to make this a for-profit venture. We just want to do good. For Collaborate to work, we need volunteers who can either copywrite (i.e. publicity); design (for infographics / visuals); develop websites; are adept with social media (i.e. maintain our Facebook and perhaps an Instagram presence); and administrate (maintaining emailing lists, sending reminders, and the like). If you’ve other skills which you think will add value to Collaborate, please contact us too! 😀